March Board of Regents Meeting

Universities of Wisconsin logoThe UW System Board of Regents will meet in Room 1820 Van Hise Hall on Thursday, March 6.

Regents will begin their meeting with an introduction of Newly-appointed Regent Audrey Jenkins, an undergraduate student at UW-Parkside. Regent Jenkins was appointed to serve the remainder of the traditional student 2-year term held by UW-Green Bay student Evan Brenkus who graduated in December. She will serve through May, 2025.

Regents will then move into closed session to discuss three items:

  • Pending litigation relating to President Trump’s executive orders and the National Institutes of Health
  • A student request to review a UW-Madison decision
  • Chancellor personnel evaluations

Information on a Zoom link for the open portion of the meeting is here.


February Board of Regents Meeting

Universities of Wisconsin logoThe Universities of Wisconsin Board of Regents is meeting Thursday and Friday, February 6 and 7 Union South on the UW-Madison campus. Registration for the Zoom link to watch the open portions of the meeting here.

UW-Madison hosted a welcome reception on Wednesday evening and offered Regents the opportunity to tour Morgridge Hall, the new School of Computer, Data and Information Sciences building will have presentations throughout the individual meetings.

The Regents met in committee on Thursday morning.

  • The Audit Committee heard several updates on recent audits and annual reports from the UW-Madison Athletics Board and the Universities of Wisconsin Office of Information Security.
  • The Capital Planning and Budget Committee considered approval of the sale of a parcel of land in Door County owned by UW-Green Bay and maintenance repair projects at UW-Madison and UW-Stevens Point. UW-Madison Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities, Planning, and Management Cindy Torstveit also gave a presentation on UW-Madison built environment and its plans for the future.
  • The Business and Finance Committee considered a pair of contractual agreements and heard several reports, including one from UW-Madison Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Rob Cramer and Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance David Murphy on the financial wellbeing of UW-Madison and one providing an overview of systemwide student affordability.
  • The Education Committee considered approval of seven new degree programs, including three at UW-Madison (an MFA in dance, a BS in Plant Science and Technology, and an MS in Learning Analytics) and heard two updates on artificial intelligence.

The Regents met in full committee Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. On Thursday, Regents heard updates from Universities of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman and Regent President Amy Blumenfeld Bogost, and a presentation on UW-Madison from Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin. The Regents then moved to closed session to discuss chancellor evaluations and possible/pending litigation relating to former UW-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow.

On Friday, the Regents will consider Thursday’s committee action, hear a panel discussion on innovation and entrepreneurial excellence, and present theRegents Business Partnership Award to UW-Madison and American Family Insurance.